[:en]45 entrepreneurs from Busan South Korea visited Ho Chi Minh City[:zh]45 entrepreneurs from Busan South Korea visited Ho Chi Minh City[:ja]45の起業家が韓国からホーチミンを訪れた。[:]

45 members of Next Entrepreneurs Club Busan – South Korea (NENC Busan) visited Ho Chi Minh City on October 20-23 to meet CEO Club HCMC and leading corporations in Vietnam to understand the Vietnam business environment and find business opportunities. Trung Hau is proud to have the opportunity in connecting, supporting and coordinating this special event between the two clubs.


Busan, officially Busan Metropolitan City, is South Korea’s second-largest city after Seoul, with a population of approximately 3.6 million residents. Busan is also the largest port in South Korea and the world’s third busiest seaport by cargo tonnage. On July 2016, the President of NENC Busan visited CEO Club HCMC. After that, 45 members of NENC Busan came to further promote future Busan and HCMC tie upon this outstanding relationship.

In the framework of the event, Busan enterprises specializing in logistics, warehouse, oil, steel, liquor manufacturing, construction, cosmetics, organic food plantation and manufaturing and so on, attend the Dinner Ceremony with CEO Club HCMC, visited the officies and factories of 03 leading corporations in lighting and electrical equipment, steel manufacturing and textile industry in Vietnam, and then went for a Cu Chi tunnel and HCMC sight-seeing tour.

During the event, 45 Busan entrepreneurs, who were divided into two groups, visited DIEN QUANG LAMP, HOA SEN GROUP and PHONG PHU INTERNATIONAL. The guests from South Korea were impressive by the quality management of DIEN QUANG LAMP, the operating system of the largest steel sheet factory in Southeast Asia of HOA SEN GROUP as well as the dynamic textile & garment manufacturing of PHONG PHU INTERNATIONAL.


Ms. Minh-Phuong Dang, the Chairwoman of CEO Club HCMC and Mr. Yong-Hun Mun, the Chairman of NENC Busan, both show the expectation for an international mutual cooperation.

“There are similarities between NENC Busan and CEO Club HCMC in the number of member as well as member companies’ prosperity. The demographic of HCMC also has some resemblance to that of Busan.” said the Vice-President of NENC Busan during the DIEN QUANG LAMP company visiting trip.

It can be indicated that the event may open up numerous opportunities for the business co-operation between the two cities’ enterprises.

Photos to summarize the HCMC visiting trip of NENC Busan:

20161021_091420Meeting at DIEN QUANG LAMP’s head office

20161021_110428DIEN QUANG LAMP factory visiting

20161021_093827Meeting at PHONG PHU INTERNATIONAL about textile & garment industry

Discussion at HOA SEN GROUP about Steel Manufacturing industry

14702259_889035434566917_1678292319009131642_nOne group visited DIEN QUANG LAMP and PHONG PHU INTERNATIONAL

hoa-sen-group-3-copyThe other visited HOA SEN GROUP and PHONG PHU INTERNATIONAL

20161021_162334The expectation for an international mutual cooperation between Busan & HCMC enterprises

Please check out the photos of the event via this download link: https://trunghaugroup.com//wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Busan-HCMC-trip.rar or Google Drive link: http://bit.ly/2dRx5fH

Trung Hau