Mr. Vo Dai Khoi, Chairman of the Board/CEO of Trung Hau Construction Corporation, was elected Vice Chairman of the Phu Tho – Bach Khoa Alumni Representative Board for the 2020-2023 term.


On the evening of October 3rd, at Sala Conference Center – Sala New Urban Area – Thu Thiem District 2 – Ho Chi Minh City, Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology (Bach Khoa) and the Community of Phu Tho – Bach Khoa Alumni held a conference to establish the Phu Tho – Bach Khoa Alumni Representative Board (PHU THO-BACH KHOA ALUMNI – BKA). The event brought together alumni of Bach Khoa University who are also prominent entrepreneurs from leading enterprises in Vietnam today, such as Mr. Tran Ba Duong of THACO Group, Mr. Le Tri Thong – CEO of PNJ Group, Mr. Bui Xuan Huy – CEO of NovaLand Group, Mr. Vo Dai Khoi – Chairman of the Board/CEO of Trung Hau Construction Corporation, Mr. Ho Huynh Hung – Chairman of the Board of Directors of Dien Quang Lamp Joint Stock Company… This is the result of nearly a year’s effort to build the structure and operational plans for the alumni community’s Representative Board.

With unanimous approval from all delegates, the Phu Tho – Bach Khoa Alumni Representative Board for the 2020-2023 term is chaired by Mr. Tran Ba Duong, Chairman of the Board of Truong Hai Auto Corporation (THACO). Mr. Vo Dai Khoi, Chairman of the Board and CEO of Trung Hau Construction Corporation, had the honor of being elected as Vice Chairman in charge of Administration and Operations.


The Phu Tho – Bach Khoa Alumni Community operates with the university as its “center,” promoting activities to connect alumni with each other and with the university, and supporting the university in important activities related to education and scientific research to benefit both the university and its alumni. This aligns with the mission and goals of the university, contributing to its sustainable development.

The establishment of the Phu Tho – Bach Khoa Alumni Representative Board marks an important milestone in enhancing the organizational structure to maximize the alumni’s activities, commensurate with the scale and value of one of the country’s strongest alumni communities, in line with the university’s mission and goals. The diverse and meaningful activities of the community will continue and enrich the tradition of unity and collective strength among generations of staff and students of Bach Khoa University.